omigen på Gary T'to: Gary berättar om mötet med Albert King
Svartvitt foto: Erik Lindahl. Färgfoto lånat från Garys LP "In the Heat of the Night".
Igår lade Redaktör'n ut fem fotografier tagna av Erik Lindahl, varav ett är det t.h. Som ni minns: Efter Albert Kings konsert på Konserthuset 19 januari 1980 begav sig Albert till Hotell Rubinen där Gary T´to band spelade. Och Erik plåtade.

Idag fick Redaktör'n hälsningar från Gary T'to himself, plus hans egna inte alltför ljuva minnen från den kvällen. Vi fick tillstånd att publicera dem 'as is', och vi är övertygade om att bloggens läsare läser engelska.

Så här kommer Garys egna ord:
We were playing at Rubinetten. It was horrible. Drunk obnoxious people but it was a gig. To make matters worse I had just broken up with the girl I met in NY and followed to Sweden so to put it mildly I was not happy. We were playing Red House and I was soloing eyes closed, trying to hide from the audience and myself.

All of a sudden the people start clapping loudly. Eyes still closed I think to myself “what the fuck is going on? I didn’t play anything so special?” Eyes still closed I feel someone tap me on the shoulder and say “plug me in.” I finally look up and standing in front of me, with guitar and pipe, is Albert fucking King!

He asked what we should play and I, like an idiot, say “Do you know I’m Ready?” It was only later I realized it was a Freddie King song and not Albert's! I think we played one or two more but I can’t remember.

He kept asking me for more amp volume but at the time I had an old Fender Twin from the 50’s before they had reverb and there was no more volume to be had plus we were both plugged into it!

I didn’t speak to him after but I think Tom [Reilly, basist] did and Albert told him something like he wasn’t happy with his band at his gig before coming to Rubinetten and when he heard us he thought we had so much groove that he had to play! And Rubinetten of all places. That’s the story as I remember it.
 • Erik Lindahls 5 fotografier från kvällen: Fotosida 1. Fotosida 2
 • P-O Hesselbom skriver idag (2023-07-21) initierat på sin Facebooksida om denna musikkväll. P-O var då trumslagare i bandet Road Dust som just hade öppnat för Albert King på Konserthuset. Och P-O närvarade även han denna kväll på Rubinetten.

Arkiv: Redaktör'ns Tidigare Tänkta Tankar
           fr.o.m 26 aug 2009
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